There are many sides to this story. I'm going to show two proofs that should discredit the idea that Nibiru is a plant orbiting the sun, being a brown dwarf or Nibiru being a planet orbiting a brown dwarf orbiting our sun. this seems like a lot but these 2 proof coincide with the 3 different scenarios.
Nibiru is a planet or brown dwarf that orbits the sun at a highly elliptical orbit. The planet/star it self is between the mass of Jupiter and half the mass of the sun. When the planet/star reaches its closet point to the sun it will have crossed earths orbit or have come close enough for the gravity to affect us in a significant way. It is said to have a orbital period of about 3600 years.
a brown dwarf is basically a very large Jupiter. Its a star that didn't make it to the critical mass to start the fusion reaction required for a star to shine.
1) Probably the most convincing evidence ageist all of these Nibiru stories is the placing. Where should the planet be? If you don’t know much about astronomy or haven’t studied it enough to just kinda have the idea in you head with just a few numbers then you have know idea where it should be. Well I found a really good site that walks through the numbers and derives the formulas well. So instead of doing it my self (and needing to look up all kinds of stuff and taking hours) I'm gunna refer you to Dan Sewell Ward’s
webpage. it tells you how long it will take Nibiru to get to its closest point to the sun based on a chosen starting area. You can scroll to the bottom if you don’t care about the math.
Basically if Nibiru is supposed to hit us in 2012 it should be at about the distance of Saturn or Jupiter. And if that was true then you could see it in your back yard with a decent telescope (given you live in the right part of the world to see it at all) or if it was a brown dwarf you would even see it in the day because a brown dwarf gives off light. Even if it is coming and it still outside the reach of our view then once it get to about Pluto we have 60yrs.
here i should probably point out some of the pic's on youtube. if you search long enough you will fin pic's about 'star like' balls of light mostly in the morning and evenings. these balls of light are the suns reflection on clouds not some distant planet or star. if it was that clear in the morning (at sun rise or set) then it would be the brightest star before or after sunset/rise just like the plants are when we can see them.
2) Nibiru would disobey how we believe our solar system was made. It is true that out solar system is special because most of the planets we find out side of the solar system have Jupiter plus sized planets in highly elliptical orbits around the star. These orbits would throw smaller earth like planets out of that system. Or if the earth like planet was a moon to the Jupiter type planet that the tempter swings would be too grate for life as we know it.
Anyway back to the point our solar system is nearly circular because if it wasn’t we wouldn’t be here to talk about it. All of the other planets formed in near circular orbits so it stand to reason any non-discovered celestial body would also be circular because it would have under gone the same process at the same time as all of the planets.
It also doesn’t make sense that there would be a planet/star outside the range of the Oort cloud sense the Oort cloud is supposed to be the left over stardust from the formation of our star. (though I'm not 100% sure about this statement.)
How ever if it is possible that this planet/star was formed in this odd orbit then we shouldn’t be here. The planet takes about 3600 years to orbit the sun. The earth has bin around for about 4 billion years. That means the orbital paths would have crossed more then 1 million times so far. So if Nibiru is even close to the mass of Jupiter we should have already bin flung out into the cold universe.
You may have noticed that I didn't mention the pic's that show 'proof' of the existence of this star/planet. This is because I have no idea if the pic's were real where they came from or what they show. even if they came form a real telescope it is possible that it was a dust cloud so some kind. And the fact that there's no proof of where they came from makes me take the pic's lightly. Also my other proofs asks the pic's provider to prove how I could be wrong before I should go out of my way to prove him wrong. That sounds like a cop-out but if it is within the orbit of Saturn why is it only seen on and inferred telescope as a very small object in the distance? If I get a descent sounding response to that I will do the recherche to disprove the pic's. But as of now its a wast of time.
one more note: anybody that asks you for money to tell you how to survive an appending apolitical
is a scam. on youtube there is a very convincing organization telling you the Nibiru is going to end life as we know it. if you go to there web site they give you propaganda and half truths. and then if you want to learn more you have to buy something. they also sell survival guides. The name on youtube is yowbooks and the website is
THIS IS A SCAM! I'm not sure if they do anything else but the Nibiru stuff is based on nothing convincing.