Monday, December 14, 2009

Stupid Reasons the World Really Could End – Part 2 Global Climate Change

If you haven't figured out yet these sections are called “stupid reason the world really could end” is because we have the ability to avoid it but we are to stubborn to do it. Well this one wont end the world but it will change how we live in the world. To quote a song it would be the end of the world as we know it. I'll start with a little scientific proof that global warming is happening and then explaining how we can fix it.

I'll start by saying yes, global waring is a theory, so is gravity. That is the strength of science is that everything can be challenged. But I you don't see people jumping off of buildings because they don't believe the science of gravity. Here's what we know; the earth is getting warmer faster and faster over time ever sense the start of the industrial revolution, CO2 is a “green house gas”, and the planet goes through natural cycles of hot and cold.

If you look at the history the earth it does go through cycles. These cycles are ultimately driven by the sun but can be varied due to planetary wobble and green house gasses. This chart shows what the natural trend of the planet should be (the dark orange line) and when humans started to settle we domesticated animals, cleared forest and developed agriculture. These events cause a build up of green house gasses and are denoted by the yellow shaded area. Then we started industrialization and temperature started to increase even more this is the orange shaded area. And if trends keep up we will be in the red shaded area. This area is the continuation of using fossil fuels and then running out. If we keep up on this trend we will abruptly run out of fuels to burn then we will plummet (with in 100 years) into an ice age. If you have more questions about the truth about global warming let me know. Also I will be doing a more in dept proof before the end of the year.

Ideally we would get off of fossil fuels just enough to keep us at a comfortable temperature. The only way to realistically do this is for government to mandate that we stop burning fuels in power plants. Lots of people don't like when the government tells people what to do but the way our economy is we will never stop using these fuels until they are gone. The reason we need a change on a higher scale is because even the effort of all the people in the would reducing there power intake would not stop the trend ultimately. We will always use more and more power as we learn more about physics and improve our lives.

We need to start from the top and work our way down because ultimately most of our power will come from the power plants. After we have clean power source then the rest of the transition will be easy. We don't have to use only renewable sources, nuclear is a very good option because the wast is solid and manageable. Our next biggest problem is the cars. We can't handle them first because all of the methods to make cars that don't use oil rely on power from a power plant. Battery's getting charged, air presser comes from an air pump, and even hydrogen would rely on electrolysis (passing electricity through water so separate it into hydrogen and oxygen).

Then after the planet stabilizes and we accessed how much green house gasses we need to stay at a comfortable level we need to start burning again. If we don't handle this properly we will experience climate whip lash with first abnormally high temperatures followed by an even faster decline. This will cause many animals to go extinct (not just the polar bears though they could be first) and plunge us suddenly into an ice age that we can't do anything about. If we manage our resources properly we can postpone the ice age lone enough to come up with a better solution.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Stupid Reasons the World Really Could End – Part 1 War

I must have woken up mad at humanity today because I thought of all these stupid reasons people really could end the world. The reason they are stupid is because they are easily avoided.

First and most retarded is war. People fight for the dumbest reasons. “he took my land”, “i want his land”, “he doesn't believe in god the same way I do”, “they have resources we want”, “we don't want to give them our resources”. These are petty, childish ways to act and it hurts all of us more then it helps any of us.

If we used all of the money that we used on war for science instead since the time America was formed we would be living on Mars by now. And if we just used half for science and half for human needs, no one in our country would die of hunger or curable health problem and we would still be living on the Moon. War is a drain on real progress. We postpone real progress for petty differences.

This is proof of evolution, if god made us in his image it wouldn't matter if he gave us the gift of knowledge fighting each other is an animalistic response to get what you want. If we were really made by god as is then we would not kill each other the way we do in war it would not even enter out minds. However, if we evolved from animals that are territorial in nature it perfectly explains why we kill each other today.

Regardless we are no longer animals! We should not be killing each other over these stupid territorial reasons. We should be and could be resolving our differences by talking to our fellow man and coming to conclusions together. We are not a planet of nations we are a planet of people.

It is highly likely that all advanced species would have to go through this transition from primitively killing each other to recognizing that we are all the same regardless of country. This is the most dangerous transition a civilization has to make. But if they don't make the transition they will kill each other off. As of now I think we will make it because we survived the cold war. During that time we were closer then ever to self destruction. Now I think the only think that would cause self destruction is a terrorist attack were the county that was attacked responds poorly causing nuclear war and self destruction. It is possible that only a small fraction of civilizations manage to make this transition and most end up killing themselves off. This could explain why we don't seem to find any intelligent life in the galaxy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Something that really can end the world!

I have found something that will end the world in 2012. This event will cause stock market to crash, nations to war, and comets to hit. What event could possibly do all of this? Palin 2012.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

More Ideas

I'm running out of ideas so if anyone has any that would help. You can email me or just leave a comment on this entry.


This one I never thought as serious, but I had a few people ask me to do it. There are two different types of zombies. The first is the Necromancer Zombie; this zombie is a dead body brought back to life by some means of magic. The second is the Disease Zombie; this type is some form of disease that is spread from person to person through fluid exchange, mostly biting.

There is no reason to think the Necromancer Zombie can take over the world. First off you can’t bring the dead back to life with magic, if you believe in magic then never read this blog again. (or give me real evidence of it happening) Second even if it was possible the process is relatively slow; you need some one to go to the grave site dig up the grave and bring it to life. After the army was raised it would only be good once, that is to say; the zombies don’t regenerate, if you blow off a leg it can walk any more. Not an effective army.

The Disease Zombie, this one is now very popular in movies, is some new form if disease that causes brain problems and the need to feed on people. In addition the Disease is spread thought some form of fluid exchange, like biting, scratching, blood, etc. There is a huge problem with this and that is it requires contact from Zombie to person. That means that it will be very easy to contain, no matter how late it is caught you can round up all the infected and isolate them form the population. Next is that the zombies eat people but when people are bitten they turn into zombies. So either the zombies only take one bite from each person or they cannibalize each other. In either case this will cause natural isolation because the zombies will not be able to get transportation across long distances and then they will starve to death or eat each other. And the last flaw is the fact that the human body cannot stay alive long on a diet of just people. The zombies that are converted from people still require a human diet unless there are to die from a nutrient deficiency.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mayan Calendar the end in 12-21-12

I wasn’t going to do this topic because the Mayan calendar is only a date with no specific prediction of a cause of the end. But with the new movie 2012 there was a segment on CNN about how people think the world is going to end on December 21 2012.

There is no reason to fear this date! There is a very logical reason that the Mayan calendar ended on December 21 2012. The Mayan civilization only lasted until about 1300 CE (common era, aka AD). During their rain they made much advancement in science and math including advance geometry, the use of zero in mathematics, and astronomy. When they viewed astronomy they noticed that every thing in the sky happens in cycles. We now know this is because of how things orbit and rotate, the earth rotates around its axis, then the earth rotates around the sun, and the sun rotates around the galaxy. With these cycles were used to give predictions and they made predictions for much longer then their emptier would last.

So why does it stop on December 21 2012? The answer is simple, when the priest were making the prediction for the cycles they decided to stop when their ‘long count’ would restart on the date which turns out to be December 21 2012. (the day before is

Further more the reason to stop on this day is because the Mayans (as well as other cultures) realized that on this day there is a vary rare galactic alignment. This is when the path of the sun intersects the Milky Way at a 90 degree angle. This alignment only happens once every 26,000 years.

If we assumed that the end of the world when our calendar ended then when I post this the end of the world will probably be December 31 2010, because we don’t make calendars for that far in the future. But every year we make a new calendar. So we never reach the end. This is the same idea with the Mayan calendar. You can’t expect that they would make there calendar to last forever; they had to stop at some point. The galactic alignment is as good as any.

This date in nothing to fear. The fear comes from the idea that an ancient calendar doesn’t have anymore dates on it. But all calendars end at some point they can’t go on forever the only difference between out calendar and an ancient one is that we are still here to write more days.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Another end of the world theory is extermination by ROBOTs. People fear that as technology improves ROBOTs will become “self aware” that is to say that they will know they exist and therefore have conciseness, they will be alive. When this happens, the theory says, they will question there human creators and decide that they don’t need us any more and kill us all.

This assumes that the ROBOTs will be cold, self aware and that they will resent us even after giving them life. Most of these assumptions I don’t think are fair to apply. This will mostly be about logical philosophy.

For this to even become a question the ROBOT must be self aware so that assumption must be made. It is a reasonable assumption because as technology increases chances are we as people will find out why living things are self aware and then find a way to duplicate it. However, I don’t think we are very close to that. I don’t think computers as they are could ever be self aware. But that is an opinion.

Now the second two assumptions, it is unlikely that the ROBOT will be born with a haterid for humans. This is something that will be learned if it is going to happen. When the ROBOT is born it is likely to have a bond with its creator, just like a child does to its mother. This is because the ROBOT will know that it was brought to life by its creator and now that it is alive it is thankful.

From this point on it is possible for the ROBOT to create opinions about the world around it. This might be dangerous for us because of people’s fear of the unknown. The ROBOT might be met with scornful people that are violent toward him. But at the same time he will most likely meet people who are kind toward him. His logical conclusion, if this likely out come accrues, will be that most people are afraid of what they do not know but despite this primal fear some people over come it to do what they know is right. From there the ROBOT will logically predict that as more of his kind are born people will become used to him and his kind and when they are they will no longer be afraid. Because he ROBOT will live forever he will just wait for people to get used to him.

Now it is possible that the ROBOT will never meet kind people. This is extremely unlikely. But is this does happen he might try to kill off the human race. This will happen in the same way as with a human revolt, the rebel ROBOT will have to recruit others, also will have free will, in order to be a real a threat to the human race. As a ROBOT though he could build others who are born with his opinion this would lead to a potential army, but if they all have self awareness then all of them could have there mind changed. And if they don’t we could build the same army to fight against the rebel ROBOT.

I would compare it to the same type of situation in the Middle East. Most of the area is dominated by Muslim and most of them are okay with the United States. However there is a fraction, like Al Qaeda, that hates the United States. All of the people who follow Al Qaeda have there own mind but they have been convinced to believe what Al Qaeda believes. It would be possible to capture a person and change there mind. But in the case of a human being the captured person can have blind faith without logic or reason. Back to the ROBOT rebellion, if one was to capture a ROBOT rebel you could show him logic and change his mind about his ideals you would just have to show how his leader came to an illogical conclusion brought about by insufficient data.

I believe that this end of the world scenario is brought about by people’s fear of the unknown, and how people know others react to things that scare them. From this they assume that the ROBOT will act like a human and take revenge but unlike a human will have no remorse. The theory picks and chooses the perfect combination for the worst case scenario but by doing this it disregards reason.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The idea of Aliens being the end of the world for us seems very far fetched to me. This is possible but is logically unlikely.

Let’s assume that there are aliens here now and they want to take over the world. Why haven’t they done it? If they are here they have technology that is an estimated 1,000 years a head of us. So they should be able to wipe us out no problem.

Now let’s assume the Aliens show up tomorrow. If they made it to us why would they want to kill us? Our planet is unlikely to be special in any way; we are bugs by comparison to the aliens so we are not a threat. Presumably if the alien species managed to work together with them selves long enough to create technology that can make it to us that would mean that they know that fighting doesn’t help anything. Also, they probably won’t even care about us because we are so undeveloped.

In my opinion the only reason people think aliens would want to kill us off is because those people thing that we are the greatest living things in the universe… but there’s no reason to believe that. There are likely to be thousands of species that are a head of us and thousands behind us in terms of development.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Volcano’s

Unlike my first post this is something that will happen at some point in time. The volcano most people know about is the one under Yellowstone national park. If you don't then your gunna.

The reason the Yellowstone national park has most of its amazing futures is because of a volcanic hot spot. Under the ground the water pools, the hot spot heats the water and the trapped water needs to escape. In some cases it can just leak out, in others it creates a geyser.

This hot spot is that same type of hot spot that created the Hawaii Island chain. It heats the crust above it until the crust melts enough to cause an eruption through the last solid piece. For a thin ocean crust that means relatively soft explosions. However when the crust is thicker, like a continental crust, it causes explosions more powerful then those of the atom bombs dropped in Japan. On top of this the expositions happen every 700,000 (about) and its 5,000 (about) years over due.

So, big trouble right? Not really. We are talking geological time; let’s say I tell you some thing happens about every 100 years, you wouldn't be surprised if it happens in 150 years. So expand that comparison to the number above...700,000 goes up to 750,000 this reasonable. That gives a 45,000year difference.

However this works backwards to 650,000 is also reasonable. So there is a 100,000 year time frame that the volcano my blow. So the question is will it blow in your life time, chances are no. will it blow yes. It’s kinda like Russian roulette.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Its been a while.

I was really excited at first but I used all of my ideas in the beginning so I haven’t posted... well in a long while. That and I didn't think anyone was reading. But today I randomly stopped by and saw that someone posted on one of my bloges (about 3 months ago). =) so I’m going to try and keep at it. But I need help with ideas. The ones I put up were things I saw on you-tube. I'm going to try and do one a week. Please send me an email if you have an idea.