Sunday, February 8, 2009


The idea of Aliens being the end of the world for us seems very far fetched to me. This is possible but is logically unlikely.

Let’s assume that there are aliens here now and they want to take over the world. Why haven’t they done it? If they are here they have technology that is an estimated 1,000 years a head of us. So they should be able to wipe us out no problem.

Now let’s assume the Aliens show up tomorrow. If they made it to us why would they want to kill us? Our planet is unlikely to be special in any way; we are bugs by comparison to the aliens so we are not a threat. Presumably if the alien species managed to work together with them selves long enough to create technology that can make it to us that would mean that they know that fighting doesn’t help anything. Also, they probably won’t even care about us because we are so undeveloped.

In my opinion the only reason people think aliens would want to kill us off is because those people thing that we are the greatest living things in the universe… but there’s no reason to believe that. There are likely to be thousands of species that are a head of us and thousands behind us in terms of development.

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