Sunday, October 25, 2009


Another end of the world theory is extermination by ROBOTs. People fear that as technology improves ROBOTs will become “self aware” that is to say that they will know they exist and therefore have conciseness, they will be alive. When this happens, the theory says, they will question there human creators and decide that they don’t need us any more and kill us all.

This assumes that the ROBOTs will be cold, self aware and that they will resent us even after giving them life. Most of these assumptions I don’t think are fair to apply. This will mostly be about logical philosophy.

For this to even become a question the ROBOT must be self aware so that assumption must be made. It is a reasonable assumption because as technology increases chances are we as people will find out why living things are self aware and then find a way to duplicate it. However, I don’t think we are very close to that. I don’t think computers as they are could ever be self aware. But that is an opinion.

Now the second two assumptions, it is unlikely that the ROBOT will be born with a haterid for humans. This is something that will be learned if it is going to happen. When the ROBOT is born it is likely to have a bond with its creator, just like a child does to its mother. This is because the ROBOT will know that it was brought to life by its creator and now that it is alive it is thankful.

From this point on it is possible for the ROBOT to create opinions about the world around it. This might be dangerous for us because of people’s fear of the unknown. The ROBOT might be met with scornful people that are violent toward him. But at the same time he will most likely meet people who are kind toward him. His logical conclusion, if this likely out come accrues, will be that most people are afraid of what they do not know but despite this primal fear some people over come it to do what they know is right. From there the ROBOT will logically predict that as more of his kind are born people will become used to him and his kind and when they are they will no longer be afraid. Because he ROBOT will live forever he will just wait for people to get used to him.

Now it is possible that the ROBOT will never meet kind people. This is extremely unlikely. But is this does happen he might try to kill off the human race. This will happen in the same way as with a human revolt, the rebel ROBOT will have to recruit others, also will have free will, in order to be a real a threat to the human race. As a ROBOT though he could build others who are born with his opinion this would lead to a potential army, but if they all have self awareness then all of them could have there mind changed. And if they don’t we could build the same army to fight against the rebel ROBOT.

I would compare it to the same type of situation in the Middle East. Most of the area is dominated by Muslim and most of them are okay with the United States. However there is a fraction, like Al Qaeda, that hates the United States. All of the people who follow Al Qaeda have there own mind but they have been convinced to believe what Al Qaeda believes. It would be possible to capture a person and change there mind. But in the case of a human being the captured person can have blind faith without logic or reason. Back to the ROBOT rebellion, if one was to capture a ROBOT rebel you could show him logic and change his mind about his ideals you would just have to show how his leader came to an illogical conclusion brought about by insufficient data.

I believe that this end of the world scenario is brought about by people’s fear of the unknown, and how people know others react to things that scare them. From this they assume that the ROBOT will act like a human and take revenge but unlike a human will have no remorse. The theory picks and chooses the perfect combination for the worst case scenario but by doing this it disregards reason.

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